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Lifestyle changes to beat prediabetes

MyPlate Nutritional Guidelines – How Much Fruit Should You Eat?

According to the new MyPlate USDA program the amount of fruit you need to eat depends on age, sex, and level of physical activity. Recommended daily amounts are shown in the chart. The amount of fruit recommended each day will surprise you! Nutritional Guidelines Chart

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

Gluten-Free Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe and Video

Chef Janet K (Gluten-Free Chef) shows how to make the best oatmeal chocolate chip cookies you will ever have!  She also discusses gluten-free flour in this video.  Bake those cookies!

People with pre-diabetes may need to check their blood glucose levels.

FAQs About Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar) Monitoring

Blood glucose monitoring refers to testing how much glucose is in the blood stream (or, glycemia.) Many people often refer to blood glucose as “blood sugar” because glucose is a form of sugar. Although the proper medical term is “glucose” your doctor will know what you mean if you use the term blood sugar.  Read the FAQs

What is pre-diabetes?

About Pre-Diabetes

Pre-diabetes is a serious metabolic condition that should never be ignored. It is now estimated that 1 in 4 teens have pre-diabetes and in the total population, more than 41 million Americans have pre-diabetes. Left untreated, many will develop full blown type 2 diabetes.

Signs and symptoms of pre-diabetes are not always obvious. In fact, most people do not even know that they have the condition until a doctor diagnoses them with pre-diabetes.

A few signs some people have include excessive weight gain or the inability to lose weight, adult acne, infertility in women, high blood pressure, skin tags, and changes in the skin called acanthosis nigricans. Some women, may also suffer from alopecia. All these things can be a warning sign of insulin resistance which is associated with pre-diabetes.

Prediabetes is a condition in which blood glucose or A1C levels—which reflect average blood glucose levels—are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. Insulin resistance increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.

Both IFG and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) indicate pre-diabetes and are associated with an increase risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle changes including weight loss and an exercise program, as well as possible oral medications are sometimes indicated. (See charts below)

There is no cure for type 2 (or type 1) diabetes, but pre-diabetes can often be completely reversed with proper medical intervention and changes in lifestyle.

Reference Charts and Tables

Are you at risk for developing pre-diabetes?

Having an apple shaped body can be a warning sign of insulin resistance and pre-diabetes.

Studies have shown that people with an apple body shape who store excess fat around the mid-section (tummy and chest areas) are more likely to develop pre-diabetes than those with pear body shapes. People with an apple-shaped body also have an increased risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and gall bladder disease.

Genes, lifestyle, and weight all play an important role in who will become pre-diabetic. Children, teens, and adults can develop pre-diabetes and never know it, but genese play a strong role in your risk factors and if a family member has already been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes, you also have an increased risk of developing diabetes. [Risk Factors For Pre-Diabetes]

You may think you can ignore pre-diabetes because it is not yet diabetes, but merely an early warning sign. It is important to know that if you do not take pre-diabetes seriously and do develop type 2 diabetes you will still have to make lifestyle changes, take medications, and possibly even have to take insulin injections.

There is no cure for type 2 diabetes and once you have it if you don’t follow of healthy lifestyle you will risk developing complications including losing your feet, eyesight, kidney failure, and even premature death.

Pre-diabetes can often be reversed if taken seriously.

If you have pre-diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, PCOS, or impaired glucose tolerance you need to take it seriously. If you do not – your condition will get worse. The good news is that with the right approach, pre-diabetes is often able to be reversed.

Do you have pre-diabetes? Check your blood sugar against this chart and find out!

Normal Blood Sugar and Impaired Glucose Tolerance Ranges

Do You Have Pre-Diabetes?  Find out by using a home glucose meter to test your blood sugar and then compare your results to the chart below.  Not sure how to test blood sugars?  No problem, can found information about testing your blood sugars in the article links below.  Be sure to follow-up with your doctor — you should never attempt to self-diagnose you, or anyone else with any medical condition.

Fasting Blood Sugar Ranges

Fasting Glucose Ranges Indication
From 70 to 99 mg/dL, or 3.9 to 5.5. mmol/L Normal glucose tolerance, not diabetic
From 100 to 125 mg/dL, or 5.6 to 6.9 mmol/L Impaired fasting glucose (IGF), or Pre-diabetes
126 mg/dL or higher, or 7.0 or higher Diabetes

Note: Morning fasting glucose for pregnant women should be 95 mg/dL (5.3 mmol/L) or lower.  (per the American Diabetes Association Guidelines)


Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Ranges

2 Hours after drinking 75 grams of glucose Indication
Less than 140, or 7.8 mmol/L Normal glucose tolerance, not diabetic
From 140 to 200 mg/dL, or 7.8 to 11.1 mmol/L Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), or Pre-diabetes
Over 200 mg/dL, or 11.1 or higher on more than one occasion Type 2 Diabetes (an OGTT would never be given to a person suspected of having type 1 diabetes)

Notes: (except during pregnancy) (per American Diabetes Association Guidelines)

Believe in yourself!  You can do it!  There is no cure for diabetes, but making healthy choices now can help you prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Making positive changes in your lifestyle and following any medical treatment your doctor prescribes can often reverse pre-diabetes! Why not start today by eliminating unhealthy processed carbohydrates and sugary drinks from your diet and taking walks each day?

If you have pre-diabetes it is important for you to know that if you do develop type 2 diabetes you will still have to make lifestyle changes, take medications, and possibly even insulin injections.There is no cure for type 2 diabetes. If you develop it and do not follow a healthy lifestyle you risk serious diabetes complications including amputation, blindness, kidney failure, and premature death.