Male Wrist Measurements to Determine Body Frame Size
Start by measuring the circumference of your wrist with a tape measure to find out your body frame. If you do not have a measuring tape handy you can measure with your fingers. Wrap your thumb and middle finger around your wrist on the opposite hand to try touch the two.
- If you cannot touch them, your body frame is small.
- If they just touch, your body frame size is medium.
- If they touch and overlap (you can extend your middle finger beyond your thumb), your body frame is large.
Body Frame Size in Men 5’6″ (163cm) and Taller Based on Wrist Measurements
Frame Size | Wrist Circumference (inches) |
Wrist Circumference (metric) |
Small | 5.5″ – 6.5″ | 140-165mm |
Medium | 6.5″ – 7.5″ | 165-191mm |
Large | More than 7.5″ | More than 191mm |
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Determining Ideal Body Weight Based on Your Frame Type and Height
Based on your height and body frame size that you determined above, now use the following chart to look up your ideal weight. Remember that these are averages and each individual is different. Some men have more muscle mass than others so will weigh more and still not be overweight.
Height (Inches) |
Small Frame | Medium Frame | Large Frame |
5’2″ | 128-134 | 131-141 | 138-150 |
5’3″ | 130-136 | 133-143 | 140-153 |
5’4″ | 132-138 | 135-145 | 142-156 |
5’5″ | 134-140 | 137-148 | 144-160 |
5’6″ | 136-142 | 139-151 | 146-164 |
5’7″ | 138-145 | 142-154 | 149-168 |
5’8″ | 140-148 | 145-157 | 152-172 |
5’9″ | 142-151 | 148-160 | 155-176 |
5’10” | 144-154 | 151-163 | 158-180 |
5’11” | 146-157 | 154-166 | 161-184 |
6’0″ | 149-160 | 157-170 | 164-188 |
6’1″ | 152-164 | 160-174 | 168-192 |
6’2″ | 155-168 | 164-178 | 172-197 |
6’3″ | 158-172 | 167-182 | 176-202 |
6’4″ | 162-176 | 171-187 | 181-207 |
Related: Ideal Weight Based on Body Frame Size, Height and Gender – WOMEN