The Skinny
Average Weight Loss: One to two pounds a week
Type of Diet: Balanced
About The Diet
This diet was created by The National Institutes of Health’s National Cholesterol Education Program. The main goal of this diet is designed to lower cholesterol and heat disease risk. TLC stands for “Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes” and as its name implies the plan encourages you to learn how to make healthier choices and lifestyle changes that will carry you far beyond weight loss.
The TLC diet places an emphasis on a cutting fats, mainly saturated fats. Which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.
The diet encourages fiber which helps with high cholesterol if you already have it.
More Information
Negative Press
- Need to know how to read to read nutrition labels
- Diet was design to lower cholesterol, not lower weight.
Positive Press
** Provided for information only. This is not an ad but an excerpt from Amazon.com so you can read more about this book. **
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the TLC Diet (Complete Idiot’s Guides (Lifestyle Paperback))
By M.S., R.D., Diane A. Wellan
The TLC (Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes) Diet is a low saturated fat, low cholesterol diet that was originally designed to help high-risk patients reduce their high blood cholesterol levels, as well as lowering risk for developing heart disease and suffering future heart attacks. However, this diet isn’t just for those dealing with health problems, because recent studies have also revealed that TLC happens to be one of the healthiest and best overall diets for anyone interested in a healthier lifestyle. U.S. News and World Report recently ranked TLC as the #2 best overall diet, as well as being one of the best diets for heart healthy eating (#2) and overall healthy eating (#2). The TLC Diet was created by the (U.S.) National Institutes of Health’s National Cholesterol Education Program and is considered a medically-sound and well-researched diet. As opposed to gimmick diets that are often debunked, this diet will be around for the long term.
Health Concerns
The TLC diet was designed to lower cholesterol, so ask your doctor before trying this diet or any diet especially if you have any health condition.