Finding Motivation

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up on Yourself and Your Healthy Lifestyle Goals

For those times when you have just had a bad day, are too tired to care, or just like giving in to something you know you will regret later, go through the following list of questions because sometimes, what is making you feel like giving up on something is not because it is hard, it is because you are thirsty, hungry, bored, stressed, tired, or just plain cranky. You won’t improve your mood by giving up, but you may be taking one of the following steps listed below.

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Downtown Los Angeles

The Majority of Adults in California Now Have Prediabetes or Diabetes

Nearly half of California adults, including one out of every three young adults, have either prediabetes — a precursor to type 2 diabetes — or undiagnosed diabetes, according to a UCLA study released today. The research provides the first analysis and breakdown of California prediabetes rates by county, age and ethnicity, and offers alarming insights into the future of the nation’s diabetes epidemic.

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Family with Medical Heart

NH Health Department Says 60,000 Adults Have Prediabetes, but Number May be Much Higher

According to the survey results, prediabetes was twice as common in overweight adults and more common among older adults in the New Hampshire. Prevalence of prediabetes was 50% higher in non-whites than in whites, higher among persons with the lowest household incomes, and higher among adults who reported more days of poor mental health each month.

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Food Nutritional Information Label

What is the difference between a serving and a portion?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Nutrition Facts label appears on most packaged foods (see Figure 1). It tells you how many calories and servings are in a box or can. The serving size varies from product to product.

A portion is how much food you choose to eat at one time, whether in a restaurant, from a package, or at home. Sometimes the serving size and portion size match; sometimes they do not.

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Fast Food

Diet Myth Busters: Fast foods are always an unhealthy choice. You should not eat them when dieting.

Truth: Many fast foods are unhealthy and over indulging in them will likely cause you to gain weight. However, you can eat fast food on occasion and simply choose menu options with care. Whether your are eating out, on-the-run, or at home the basic rules are the same: choose healthy foods that are nutrient rich, low in calories, and small in portion size.

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People working out

PSA Campaign to Fight Prediabetes

“For the 86 million Americans with prediabetes, we need to communicate a sense of urgency — that it’s time to take action,” said Ann Albright, Ph.D., R.D., director of CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation. “By participating in a CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program, people with prediabetes can learn practical, real-life changes and cut their risk for developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent.”

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Sweet Potatoes

Counting your carbs? Miss bread? Try this sweet potato toast recipe!

When you think of sweet potatoes and yams you probably think “CARBS! NO THANK YOU!” but even Dr. Atkins allowed them on his low-carb diet plan so before you rule them out, check your own diet because you may be surprised to find that because they are a “superfood” you can have them on your own plan. Sweet potatoes are delicious by themselves, or when served as part of a meal and can also be substituted in virtually any recipe that calls for apples, squash or white potatoes.

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