Can insulin resistance make you gain weight easier?

Why does insulin resistance cause weight gain?

People with insulin resistance often make too much insulin in response to eating. They may also produce too much insulin in order to maintain normal blood sugar (blood glucose) levels. The body cannot excrete excess insulin made by the pancreas; excess insulin is stored as fat in the body. This is just one of the reasons why people with insulin resistance gain weight more easily than those who are not insulin resistant…

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Treating pre-diabetes early can reduce health risks

Who should be tested for insulin resistance?

Pre-diabetes is diagnosed when blood sugars are mildly elevated but not high enough to classify a person as being diabetic. But insulin resistance can still be present even when blood sugars are still normal. People with untreated insulin resistance are at significant risk for pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Lab tests that only check blood glucose levels are not sufficient to rule out insulin resistance. It is possible to have normal blood glucose levels but abnormally high insulin levels (insulin resistance).

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Understanding pre-diabetes is the first step in beating it!

What is insulin resistance?

When a person is insulin resistant, their cells do not respond to a normal secretion of insulin from the pancreas. The pancreas has to work harder and make more insulin than normal than normal to move blood glucose (sugar) out of the blood stream and into cells and tissues.

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Understanding pre-diabetes is the first step in beating it!

What is Metabolic Syndrome X?

Insulin Resistance Syndrome (IRS) is also referred to as Metabolic Syndrome, or Metabolic Syndrome X and was previously simply called Syndrome X. Pre-diabetics may also have Metabolic Syndrome X, but pre-diabetes is a separate condition from metabolic syndrome.

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Because knowledge is power.

Definition: Hyperinsulinemia

A person who is insulin resistant usually produces higher levels of insulin from the pancreas than is normal or healthy. Over production of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) can aggravate or trigger other health problems including infertility, weight gain, bloating, poor lipid profiles, and hormonal imbalances. Hyperinsulinemia also increases the risk of more serious health problems including…

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