How to Measure Food Portions
To make sure your food servings are the right size, use
- measuring cups
- measuring spoons
- a food scale
Also, the Nutrition Facts label on food packages tells you how much of that food is in one serving.
Weigh or measure foods to make sure you eat the right amounts.
These tips will help you choose the right serving sizes.
- Measure a serving size of dry cereal or hot cereal, pasta, or rice and pour it into a bowl or plate. The next time you eat that food, use the same bowl or plate and fill it to the same level.
- For one serving of milk, measure 1 cup and pour it into a glass. See how high it fills the glass. Always drink milk out of that size glass.
- Meat weighs more before it’s cooked. For example, 4 ounces of raw meat will weigh about 3 ounces after cooking. For meat with a bone, like a pork chop or chicken leg, cook 5 ounces raw to get 3 ounces cooked.
- One serving of meat or meat substitute is about the size and thickness of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards.
- A small fist is equal to about 1/2 cup of fruit, vegetables, or starches like rice.
- A small fist is equal to 1 small piece of fresh fruit.
- A thumb is equal to about 1 ounce of meat or cheese.
- The tip of a thumb is equal to about 1 teaspoon.

SnackSense.com offers great tips for measuring food portions and choosing healthy snacks.