The Skinny
Average Weight Loss: 2 to 4 pounds a week
Type of Diet: Fad diet, Liquid diet, must purchase and eat their products. This is an extreme calorie restricted diet, with strict rules without any substitutions.
This diet is unsafe for certain individuals.*
About The Diet
If you like to eat, have problems with low blood sugars, or a tight food budget, just move on. This plan offers “nutritionally balanced” programs ranging from 440 calories per day to 1,500 calories per day.
Their website states:
“Our delicious soups, shakes, bars, savoury rice, spaghetti bolognese, vanilla rice pudding and porridge can be used as the sole source of nutrition or can be combined with conventional food for more gradual weight loss and weight management. Our nutritionally balanced programmes range from 440kcal to 1500+kcal per day.”
What is not made clear in the above, is that women get less food than men, and women under 5’8″ get less food than taller women, and in Step 1 most women are only going to get that 440 calories per day (men only get a little more per day.) That 1,500 calorie per day plan sounds pretty good — except you won’t get to consume that many calories until Steps 5 and 6 as you enter into weight maintenance.
The downside to any program that requires you to eat their products is that you learn to eat their products and not how to eat in the real world. Rapid weight loss can also exacerbate existing health problems and create new ones (like gallstones, changes in menstrual cycle, and insomnia.)
This is a diet geared towards initial rapid weight loss, but it comes at a price — it is expensive, and most people will feel hungry. However, if you just need someone else to take control and plan everything out for you, this diet has so many restrictions that you don’t really have to think about what to eat — because you probably cannot have it on this plan anyhow.
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More Information
Negative Press
Positive Press
** Provided for information only. This is not an ad but an excerpt from Amazon.com so you can read more about this book. **
The Cambridge Diet
By Dr. Alan N. Howard
Book Description: This book is only available via third parties, must be imported, and is very expensive (new – used, prices range from $192 to $60 on Amazon.com).
“The nutritional foundation for a range of weight management programmes.”
* Health Concerns
Liquid diets are extreme and should not be considered unless your doctor has advise you to go on a liquid diet plan. Extreme calorie deprivation can exacerbate existing health problems and create new ones. If you want to try this, or any other liquid diet, it is strongly advise that you do so only under the direction and supervision of a licensed health care professional.