Vegan Diet Book Review
Average Weight Loss: One to two pounds a week.
Type of Diet: No animal products

List of All Diet Overviews

About The Diet

Vegan Diet Following a vegan diet is more of a lifestyle than a diet. Vegans do not eat anything that is an animal product, or that contains an animal product. Foods vegans do not eat include:

  • Meat, fish, poultry, and shellfish
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products including milk, cheese, butter and products made from diary (cream, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, etc.)
  • Any food product that contains any of the above

To ensure you get the proper nutrients you need each day, be sure to consult with a registered dietitian before starting a vegan diet.

Weight loss typically occurs on vegan diets because it naturally reduces certain fats and proteins and is heavy in fruits and vegetables. The lose weight, however, you will still need to eat fewer calories than you burn each day.

If this diet seems to difficult to follow but you wish to give up meat, poultry, and fish, you might find a vegetarian diet easier to work into your lifestyle.

** Provided for information only. This is not an ad but an excerpt from so you can read more about this book. **

Vegan Diet: 7 Day Well Balanced, Low Cost, Healthy Vegan Diet Meal Plan for Busy Vegan

By Stephanie Adams

Veganism is one of the healthiest and balanced diet choices you can make. It involves skipping out meat and dairy and replacing them with healthier substitutes sourced from plant-based ingredients. Going vegan is a great way to lose weight and minimize your cholesterol intake since plant-based foods contain almost no cholesterol and fats. Your meal stays balanced since you can get carbohydrates, protein and fats from purely vegan sources, along with other essential vitamins and nutrients. Many people think that the vegan diet is boring and bland, but that’s not true! You can create healthy and nutritious vegan recipes without meat, dairy and other animal-sourced foods. This book contains everything you need to create a simple 7-day vegan meal plan for you and your family. Even if you’re always on the go, the recipes included in this book will be a great go-to for a quick vegan fix! Each day’s meal combinations contain about 1200 to 1800 calories, which is more than enough to get you going for your day!

Available on Amazon in Paperback and on Kindle

Health Concerns

To ensure you get the proper nutrients you need each day, be sure to consult with a registered dietitian before starting a vegan diet.