Downtown Los Angeles

The Majority of Adults in California Now Have Prediabetes or Diabetes

Nearly half of California adults, including one out of every three young adults, have either prediabetes — a precursor to type 2 diabetes — or undiagnosed diabetes, according to a UCLA study released today. The research provides the first analysis and breakdown of California prediabetes rates by county, age and ethnicity, and offers alarming insights into the future of the nation’s diabetes epidemic.

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The costs of managing diabetes have health experts concerned.

Pre-diabetes, Diabetes Economic Burden Continues to Rise

The economic burden of diabetes in America continues to climb, exceeding more than $322 billion in excess medical costs and lost productivity in 2012, or more than $1,000 for every American, according to a study being published in the December issue of Diabetes Care that also includes a state-by-state breakdown of the prevalence and costs associated with diabetes. Additionally, increased costs associated with prediabetes and undiagnosed diabetes highlight the growing importance of prevention and early intervention.

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Prediabetes Medical Health Information

Obesity Rates High Among the Middle-Aged

According to a newsletter published by the American Diabetes Association (DiabetesPro SmartBrief), “Nearly 31% of people ages 45 to 64 were obese last year despite an overall reduction in obesity rates between 2010 and 2011, according to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Researchers also noted that 41% of middle-aged blacks and 34.5% of middle-aged Hispanics were obese.”

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