Quit Smoking Date

You Can Quit

Quit Smoking DateQuitting smoking makes sense whether or not you have a risk for prediabetes.  Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in the United States, accounting for an estimated 500,000 deaths annually.

Quitting can be hard, so talk with your doctor to see if a particular approach can help you.  Although most people still do just quit cold turkey, there are many options to help you kick the habit including therapy, hypnosis, medications, and group support.

So just how do most people quit?

The following data comes from a Gallup Poll conducted July 10-14, 2013 and shows strategies used by people who have successfully quit smoking.  Participants were able to check as many as applied to strategies that were useful for them when the quit smoking.


Gallop Poll How People Quit Smoking
Image Credit:  Gallup