What counts as a cup of vegetables?
In general, 1 cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or 2 cups of raw leafy greens can be considered as 1 cup from the Vegetable Group. The chart lists specific amounts that count as 1 cup of vegetables (in some cases equivalents for ½ cup are also shown) towards your recommended intake:

Amount that counts as
1 cup of vegetables
Amount that counts as ½ cup of vegetables
Dark Green Vegetables
1 cup chopped or  florets
3 spears 5″ long raw or cooked
Greens (collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, kale)
1 cup cooked
1 cup, cooked
2 cups raw is equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables
1 cup raw is equivalent
to ½ cup of vegetables
Raw leafy greens: Spinach, romaine, watercress, dark green leafy lettuce, endive, escarole
2 cups raw is equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables
1 cup raw is equivalent
to ½ cup of vegetables
Red and Orange Vegetables
1 cup, strips, slices, or chopped, raw or cooked
2 medium
1 medium carrot
1 cup baby carrots (about 12)
About 6 baby carrots
1 cup mashed, cooked
Red peppers 1 cup chopped, raw, or cooked
1 large pepper (3″ diameter, 3¾” long)
1 small pepper
Tomatoes 1 large raw whole (3″)
1 cup chopped or sliced, raw, canned, or cooked
1 small raw whole (2¼”
1 medium canned
Tomato juice 1 cup ½ cup
Sweet potato
1 large baked (2¼” or more diameter)
1 cup sliced or mashed, cooked
Winter squash (acorn, butternut, hubbard)
1 cup cubed, cooked
½ acorn squash, baked = ¾ cup
Beans and Peas
Dry beans and peas (such as black, garbanzo, kidney, pinto, or soy beans, or black eyed peas or split peas)
1 cup whole or mashed,  cooked
Starchy Vegetables
Corn, yellow or white
1 cup
1 large ear (8” to 9” long)
1 small ear (about 6″  long)
Green peas
1 cup
White potatoes
1 cup diced, mashed
1 medium boiled or baked potato (2½” to 3″ diameter)
French fried: 20 medium to long strips (2½” to 4″ long) (Contains  added calories from solid fats.)
Amount that counts as
1 cup of vegetables
Amount that counts as ½ cup of vegetables
Other Vegetables
Bean sprouts
1 cup cooked
Cabbage, green
1 cup, chopped or
shredded raw or cooked
1 cup pieces or florets raw or cooked
1 cup, diced or sliced, raw or cooked
2 large stalks (11″ to 12″ long)
1 large stalk (11″ to 12″  long)
1 cup raw, sliced or
Green or wax beans
1 cup cooked
Green peppers
1 cup chopped, raw or cooked
1 large pepper (3″
diameter, 3¾” long)
1 small pepper
Lettuce, iceberg or head
2 cups raw, shredded or chopped = equivalent to 1 cup of vegetables
1 cup raw, shredded or
chopped = equivalent to
½ cup of vegetables
1 cup raw or cooked
1 cup chopped, raw or cooked
Summer squash or zucchini
1 cup cooked, sliced or diced

Key Consumer Message: Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.

Source:  www.choosemyplate.com